“The Missionary Movement” to the end! p 303-309 HW 8.3

Hello everyone.  First, I’d like to commend you all on your first of many classes without me – it wasn’t as bad as you all thought it might be… hahah.  Seriously, I’d like to commend you all on your greatly improved comments! Looking back -you’ve all made some really great improvements!

For this weekend’s blog assignment obviously read marking up your texts, and then post a comment with these elements:

1) define an unfamiliar term encountered in the reading.  (include context and page number)

2) Answer: Document 2 differences or similarities between how Christianity spread in the beginning and how it has been spreading recently.

3) Post how much your going to miss me as your instructor.

Happy blogging. Jess

11 thoughts on ““The Missionary Movement” to the end! p 303-309 HW 8.3

  1. Pg 303. Ecumenical: representing a number of different Christian churches.
    Recently Christianity has stopped growing and even declined at times. Unlike the times before where missionaries were out to convert civilizations at a time. more and more people are picking islam over Christian beliefs. In some parts of Europe church attendance is at 2%(Hopfe 303). This is a huge issue if Christianity wants to grow more as the word grows.

    Also I will miss Jess so much but will just hug myself every time i miss her. I need as much oxitocine as i can

  2. First I would like to say how much we are going to miss having jess as our teacher and how much we will have to hug ourselvs like fuller said although not as much as he will have to. On page 305 Ecumencial- Passages, Daily qoutes, and verses. Some differences or similarities that accure when looking at hoe christianity changed later on and how it is changing now is great. In 1948 the World Council of Churches attemped to have a reunion and so there was the ecumenical movment. Now if people want to get the church back togeather they go out into there communitys and not throught the whole world. It was also harder back than because now we have phones to call people and computer and things that they did not have or did not work well back then. The big similarity is that we want the same thing to happen.

  3. On page 306, Clergy: the group or body of ordained persons in a religion. One difference of how Christianity spread a long time ago and how it spreads now is missionary work. A long time ago the missionaries could not go as far as they can now. This effects the church because they can spread their religion farther than they could before. A similarity between now and then is the Christian holy days. They are basically the same as they were a long time ago.
    Jessica I am going to miss you and I wish you well at Journeys!

  4. 1) Papyri 307: “A material prepared in ancient Egypt from the pithy stem of a water plant, used in sheets throughout the ancient Mediterranean world for writing or painting on and also for making rope, sandals, and boats” (google dictionary).
    2) the first difference I found was in the first section “The Missionary Movement.” In this movement Christian missionaries are sent out to spread Christianity. Today one does not see missionaries as often as in the missionary movement. You still hear about some missionaries in foreign countries trying to convert villages to Christianity. The second thing that I found is a similarity between early easter celebrations and modern day celebrations. Back then the people celebrated the holiday of easter with the same traditions that we use today.
    3) Thanks for everything Jessica, class was a blast. Have fun, I just watched star trek last night, so live long and prosper.

  5. 1) Heathens on page 303: a person who does not belong to a widely held religion (esp. one who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim) as regarded by those who do
    2) I noticed that when the religion was young it was change that made the religion grow. It was change that made the religion sound better to new followers. In this day i think the religion changes less. More people join the religion but not because of changes in the religion. I think people join because they are following eery one else that is following.
    3) It was so fun having you jessica. I really had fun with you and i loved the opportunity to learn from you. I hope you have a great time a journeys! We will miss you! Thanks for all your help.

  6. 1.) A word that I encountered in the reading that i was not familiarized with was located on page 306 in the second paragraph word was “liturgies”. This word has three different definitions. The one that I think is more relevant to the context of the reading is the definition of , a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship.
    2.) Christianity at the beginning would spread very rapidly. It would grow at exponential rates but now it has been staying constant. There is a quotation that supports this ” in Europe, even with its system of state churches, Christianity is in decline” (Hopfe 306). In the nineteenth century fundamentalist had power and they would defend the teaching of the bible but now instead of defending the new coming trends of American culture (Hopfe 307).
    I would like to end this blog entry with saying that I am going to miss Jess as our teacher. I am going to need to hug myself. Thank you for spending time with us Jess.

  7. 1) Impeded= delay or prevent.
    2) In early Christianity, the spread was rapid! It spread all over and it brought in many new christians everyday. Now Christianity has stopped growing, and even declined, “In Europe, even with its system of state churches, Christianity is in decline” (Hopfe 306). The Christianity Holy Days are very similar, if not the same as back in the rise of Christianity.
    3) We will all miss you very much! You were a great teacher and taught us a lot not only about religion but about life skills! we appritiate everything you did for us!

  8. 1) “Epiphiny” – a Christian festival, observed on January 6, commemorating the manifestation of Christ to the gentiles in the persons of the Magi.
    “Western Christians celebrate Epiphany to remember the wise men who came to Bethlehem to find the infant Jesus” (Hopfe 305).

    2) First, I noticed how in the beginning the spread of Christianity was much more rapid, as Taylor said. Second, I’d like to mention the missionaries. There have always been missionaries to go out and spread the word of God, but recently there have been a lot less missionaries as there were in the past.

    3) We are all going to miss you Jess! Have fun at Journeys.

  9. 1). denomination (p.303)-
    A recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church.
    A group or branch of any religion.
    2). A similarity between how Christianity spread today and how it spread in the beginning is missionary groups. In the time of Jesus, Paul and Thomas were missionaries who spread the word of Christianity. Now, there are missionary groups in a lot of countries whithout many Christians.
    3). I will miss you so much! Have a good time at Journeys!

  10. 1) On page 303 there was a word that I came across that I kind of had an idea of what it meant but not the full meaning. This word is Anglican, it means: relating to, or denoting the Church of England or any Church in communion with it.
    2) I did like what fuller said, and I agree as well the Christian church wants to expand like they did at first but thats just not happening lately.
    3) Don’t worry Jess we will all miss you a lot and we will never forget about your teaching skills!

  11. 1) On page 305 I found the word commemorated which means to recall and show respect for someone or something during a ceremony.

    2) I read that when Christianity first started to grow it spread at a rapid rate. Now Christianity is still growing, but the speed has slowed greatly.

    3) I always looked forward to our class the days we had it because our discussions were always interesting and your teachings style was awesome.

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