“The Missionary Movement” to the end! p 303-309 HW 8.3

Hello everyone.  First, I’d like to commend you all on your first of many classes without me – it wasn’t as bad as you all thought it might be… hahah.  Seriously, I’d like to commend you all on your greatly improved comments! Looking back -you’ve all made some really great improvements!

For this weekend’s blog assignment obviously read marking up your texts, and then post a comment with these elements:

1) define an unfamiliar term encountered in the reading.  (include context and page number)

2) Answer: Document 2 differences or similarities between how Christianity spread in the beginning and how it has been spreading recently.

3) Post how much your going to miss me as your instructor.

Happy blogging. Jess

Medieval Christianity p 290-97 HW 8.1

Ok, you guys are going to kill me. This was supposed to be for HW last night.  I hastily posted the wrong assignment.  So we’ll backtrack. This is good though because now you know what to look for in terms of placing events in categories and this will fill in the gap of reading.

To share with you, class one chose to start categorizing according to Progressive, Moderate, and Retrogressive actions; class two chose to categorize by Rituals, Political, and Branching Out.  Ideas for tomorrow.

For tonight: Same deal. You will read “Medieval Christianity” on pages 290 through the very top of 297 (2 sentences).  Make sure you mark up your text, paying close attention to events and dates.  Be sure to indicate people, time periods, and events in the margins.

Read carefully: The first person will post a comment with the first event from the reading, the second person to comment will post on the second event in the reading, the third person on the third event, and so on and so forth.  Each post must include:

1. the event and year of the event

2. a page number and location in the textbook

3. explanation of the event

4. your thoughts on why its important.

If you feel that someone has missed or skipped an event you may comment on their comment, inserting the missed event with the relevant info above.  Got it?  If not, call me and I will explain.  NO DOUBLE POSTS.  ALL posts from both classes must be up by Friday 2/23 by 9AM so I can print them out and we can use them in class. HINT: get started sooner rather than later. You can’t all wait until the last minute to post.

Other Reformation Leaders and Movements… p297-302 HW 8.2

Same deal: You will read “Other Reformation Leaders and Movements” on pages 297 through 302.  Make sure you mark up your text, paying close attention to events and dates.  Be sure to indicate people, time periods, and events in the margins.

Read carefully: The first person will post a comment with the first event from the reading, the second person to comment will post on the second event in the reading, the third person on the third event, and so on and so forth.  Each post must include:

1. the event and year of the event

2. a page number and location in the textbook

3. explanation of the event

4. your thoughts on why its important.

If you feel that someone has missed or skipped an event you may comment on their comment, inserting the missed event with the relevant info above.  Got it?  If not, call me and I will explain.  NO DOUBLE POSTS.  ALL posts from both classes must be up by Friday 2/24 by 9AM so I can print them out and we can use them all in both classes. HINT: get started sooner rather than later. You can’t all wait until the last minute to post.

Early Christianity p280-90 HW 7.2

Happy break everyone… Read the instructions very closely for this assignment.

You will read “Early Christianity” on pages 280 to the very top of page 290.  Make sure you mark up your text, paying close attention to events and dates.  Be sure to indicate time periods and events in the margins.

Read carefully: The first person will post a comment with the first event from the reading, the second person to comment will post on the second event in the reading, the third person on the third event, and so on and so forth.  Each post must include:

1. the event and year of the event

2. a page number and location in the textbook

3. explanation of the event

4. your thoughts on why its important.

If you feel that someone has missed or skipped an event you may comment on their comment, inserting the missed event with the relevant info above.  Got it?  If not, call me and I will explain.  NO DOUBLE POSTS.  All posts must be up by Tuesday 2/21 by 9PM. HINT: get started sooner rather than later. You can’t all wait until the last minute to post.

Christianity and the Roman Empire C7.1

N&HQ&ASpreadof Christianity

READ: It’s important to understand the climate of the place where something or someone was born in order to better understand them; this is also why history is important.  Think about how getting to know a friend’s family helps you to understand your friend. History is like getting to know one enormous family; it teaches us how different factors intersect and influence each other during specific periods of time or over longer periods of time. Think about our discussions of our own personal identities to our discussion about the historical and cultural identity of the Jews; think about how during periods of hardship particular developments occurred within Judaism, such as the development of Christianity in the last century before the current era (B.C.E.).  It is important to understand what the ‘family’ and ‘home’ of Christianity looked like to understand Christianity itself.

That being said, you may use the sources below to help find answers to the questions we generated in class on Monday and better understand how Christianity came to be, and how a man named Jesus, who lived in the public eye for a maximum of three years, could have influenced a religion that lasted for more than 2000 years.

PBS: The Roman Empire, http://www.pbs.org/empires/romans/empire/index.html

PBS: Religion in the Roman Empire, http://www.pbs.org/empires/romans/empire/religion.html Be sure to check the subsequent pages on the right hand column.

We’ll conclude our class with a discussion of your findings and incorporate last night’s reading as well.

Life and Teachings of Jesus HW.7.1

For HW: Read p 272-79 “The Life and Teachings of Jesus”.  Mark up your text – I will be checking on Tuesday. Pay particular attention to the events that the Gospels agree on – making notes in the side margins of your text or in your notebook.  You should also be able to make notes in the margins relating new material to old material, such as in Judaism or Political Ideologies –> “this reminds me of….”

Then, post a comment on the blog:

1)   Define a new term encountered in the reading; be sure to include the page number or context of its use so I can find it, please.

2)   Highlight a salient point from the reading – and make a connection to something outside of the reading, that would probably get you the whole 10 points.

3)   Generate a question about the reading that CANNOT be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’.  You can give some background if you choose – that would probably get you the whole 10 points.

4)   Period 4 post by Tuesday 2/14 at 9:30; period 5 post by Tuesday 2/14 at 10:30.

(Don’t worry about the questions from today, we’ll continue with them in class tomorrow.)

Peace in Middle East Research Paper R.1 Due Thursday 2/9

Your assignment is to complete a 2-3 page paper that responds to the following question:

Who is to blame for the ongoing conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians?  The U.N.?  The Israelis?  The Palestinians? Terrorist organizations? Bordering countries?

You can place the blame on more than one group.  You may want to familiarize yourself with the following terms by researching them on the internet:

The Balfour Declaration

U.N. Resolution 181

The U.N. Partition Plan for Israel

The Golan Heights

The West Bank

The Gaza Strip





The P.L.O.

Six-Day War







Recommended resources:

Council on Foreign Relations, Interactive Map “Chapter IV – Parties to the Conflict” (Pretty cool resource!)



The Council on Foreign Relations, Interactive Video, “Crisis Guide: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”



The Middle East Research and Information Project, “Palestine, Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict”



BBC “A History of Conflict” http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/middle_east/03/v3_ip_timeline/html/


Ha’aretz, “The Arab League Declaration of Invasion of Palestine”



AlJazeera, “Israeli Arabs worry about PLO’s statehood bid”


You must attach an outline of your essay and a Works Cited page (all of your citations should be in the MLA format.)  I encourage you to discuss the essay/citations with Tyler, your classmates, or me.

If something doesn’t make sense – you might not understand it – just ask!


  1. Intro
    1. Hook
    2. Thesis statement
  2. Body Paragraph #1 – Topic
    1. Topic sentence
    2. Evidence/Support – interpretation
    3. Evidence/Support – interpretation
    4. Evidence/Support – interpretation
    5. Concluding sentence
  3. Body Paragraph #2 – Topic
    1. Topic sentence
    2. Evidence/Support – interpretation
    3. Evidence/Support – interpretation
    4. Evidence/Support – interpretation
    5. Concluding sentence
  4. Body Paragraph #3 – Topic
    1. Topic sentence
    2. Evidence/Support – interpretation
    3. Evidence/Support – interpretation
    4. Evidence/Support – interpretation
    5. Concluding sentence
  5. Conclusion – (thesis statement)