IB HOA – Spanish-American War Timeline Re-do – HW.4

Read all of these directions for the homework! Read the second packet.  Pay close attention to the sequence of events (I’d make a little timeline in your notebook as you read) and the causes of the war (I’d also make a list of these in your notebook).  Then, post a comment with two (2) events in chronological order (remember, the events are not completely sequential throughout the entire reading).  The first person to post will post the first two events, the second person – the next two event, and so on and so forth. Be sure to comment on the events, explaining their relevance or asking a question.

This will be due Thursday 3/22 by 11AM.

IB – HOA Causes of the Spanish American War

1) Break into groups of 2 (1 group of 3).

2) Choose an “Activity” from the margins in the reading packet.

3) As a group, follow the “rubrics” to answer the question in the Activity.

4) After you have collected all of your information – compile your findings and make a graphic organizer.

5) You will then share your graphic organizers and findings with the class.

6) If you like you can provide necessary background information in the form of a separate outline.

7) Email me all of your materials: notes, graphic organizer, and outline of background info.

IB 20th – Arab-Israeli Packet Section IV – C.4

From section IV, pages 113-119, choose either source A, B, or D.  Answer the Student Study Section Question: What message is conveyed in the source? (For source A, please ignore the student responses, focusing on your own  interpretation.  A hint: make observations first, paying close attention to the details in the photos, then and only then, -after you have exhausted all the details analyze the photos message.  Post your descriptions/analyses as a comment on this post by the end of class. We’ll discuss the images at the end.

IB – HOA – Spanish American War p127-43 – HW.5

1)   Define 2 new terms encountered in the reading; be sure to include the page numbers or context of its use so I can find them, please. No repeats, please.

2)   Highlight 2 salient (a notable or important) points from the reading – and make a connection to something outside of the reading, either academically or personally.

3)   Generate 2 question about the reading that CANNOT be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’.  You can give some background if you choose – that would probably get you full credit.

4)  Post by Monday 3/19 by 11AM.

IB HOA – Spanish American War – Classtime – C.3

During class Thursday 3/15: Break into 2 groups of four (4).  Using your notes from the previous night’s reading and the new packet, “Part II: The Spanish-American War” pp 12-37, complete the “Historical Context: America in the Age of Imperialism (1880-1900)”/”The Spanish-American War: Four Corners of Perspectives” graphic organizers. (The blank organizer and map are found at the back of the reading packet.)

Then, as a group, complete the blank map identifying the following places (you’ll have to draw the islands in some cases):


Information Hints

The Philippines

George Dewey entered Manila Bay here. It became an American protectorate in 1898 as a result of the Spanish American War.

Puerto Rico

Caribbean Island obtained from Spain as a result of the Spanish American War. Now a US Commonwealth.


Called “Seward’s Folly.” Purchased from Russia in 1867. Contains abundant wildlife and natural resources. Statehood came in 1959 (49th state)


US sugar growers caused a revolution on this Pacific Island chain. The legitimate monarch was overthrown and the islands were annexed by the US in the 1890s. Statehood came in 1959 (50th state).


Pacific Island was gained from Spain as a result of the Spanish American War in 1898. It is now a US territory.

Samoa Islands

Pacific Island group obtained from Germany. Now a US territory.


Spanish speaking Caribbean island. Wanted independence from Spain. US helped in Spanish-American War. 90 miles from Florida. Maine exploded in Havana harbor.

Midway Is.

Island in the Pacific, obtained after Spanish American War (1898). Site of very important World War II battle.


Isolationist country until US Commander Matthew C. Perry opened it up to western trade. Went to war with Russia until TR settled dispute in 1904.


Isolationist country until western powers carved it into spheres of influence. It was an empire until a revolution in 1911 turned it into a republic. Became communist in 1949.


Located on an isthmus in North America, it was part of Columbia until a US-backed revolution brought independence. Canal was built there starting in 1904 and finished in 1914 after many deaths from disease.

Homework for next week: Read packet and post a new blog entry (see different blog post.

IB 20th – Section IV & V – Arab-Israeli Conflict Packet HW.4

Please read the rest of your packets and then post a comment with the following elements:

1) Choose 2 terms from the list (Do Not Repeat please!) and define them.  Be sure to cite their significance to the conflict as a whole:

    1. al Nakba
    2. Refugee problem
    3. Law of Return
    4. King Hussein
    5. Muslim Brotherhood
    6. Gamal Abdul Nasser
    7. Arab nationalism
    8. Free Officer’s Movement
    10. Eisenhower Doctrine
    11. Aswan Dam
    12. Fedayeen
    13. Baghdad Pact
    14. The Suez Crisis/War
    15. UNEF
    16. Der Yassin Massacre

2) Write a short (4-6 sentence) personal reflection on the reading.

3) Generate 2 questions from the reading (no ‘yes’ or ‘no’ q’s).

Please be sure to post by Monday 3/19 by 10AM.